Happy Birthday, Our Sweet Mum

Dear Momma,

Today, on your birthday, we grapple with a mix of emotions. It's a challenging time as we fondly remember the beautiful moments we shared with you and contemplate navigating a future without your warm presence, especially with all the fear we face with Steve’s struggle. He loved you so much and appreciated you more than ever.

The spectrum of emotions we experience is bittersweet. Sadness envelops us as we reminisce about the beautiful times we had with you, cherishing the memories we created together. Yet, there's a glimmer of happiness in our hearts, knowing that you must be in a place of eternal joy, watching over us, guiding and protecting us from above.

On this special day, as your children, the realization hits us with an overwhelming force—imagining life without your love and guidance is daunting. Expressing the depth of our love and admiration for you has been a challenge in recent years. Words and actions seem inadequate but never doubt that you were an extraordinary mother and an even more remarkable person. We take immense pride in all the achievements you accumulated through the challenges life presented, providing us with countless reasons to celebrate your legacy with cake and presents!

The void you left is palpable, and we miss you every single day. Though the years pass, and we become accustomed to the absence, celebrating without you feels incomplete. Losing our best friend has been a profound loss, yet your pictures serve as poignant reminders of the love we shared and the cherished memories we hold close.

You were our confidant, our best friend, and our everything. The moment we received the call urging us to rush home before you faded away, it felt as though our hearts were wrenched from our chests. Each year on your birthday, we are reminded of the depth of our love for you, the enduring sense of loss, and the enduring love we continue to feel for you, Momma.

Happy Birthday to our beautiful soul. Though time moves slowly, and the hole in our hearts deepens, the thought of you somewhere having a blast brings a comforting smile to our faces. We miss you dearly and love you endlessly.

Mother, on this day many years ago, a miraculous change occurred—the birth of a small baby, a miracle that forever altered the world. That miracle was you. As the world gradually realized the transformative impact of your existence, you became a beacon of positive change. You made an unforgettable difference in countless lives and continue to do so even as you are no longer with us. Your legacy and voice live on in me and all of the lives that you impacted. From the bottom of our hearts, we love you.

Happy Birthday, Mum. May there be many more celebrations in the universe you now to inhabit!

With love, your son and daughter,
Barry and Ann


Happy Birthday to my Aunt Betty


A Son’s Love