Neighborhood Lake

The following images are from Wednesday morning 01.13.2021. When I woke up this morning I began to open the shades on my windows at the back of the house and I saw the rising mist coming off of the neighborhood lake that is about a block away from my home. I just had to go out there and capture the look and feel of the lake having the sun burn away the fog/mist. I had that old shutterbug feeling I use to get all the time! Heart racing and rushing around the house to grab my camera, my camera bag and try to rush out the door. Like I said though, I had just woken up, so I had to get dress because it was 26f outside.

By the time I got to the dock most of the fog/mist had radiated off of the lake but the morning frost was still lingering around. I try to grab these types of images all the time around our lake in hopes to capture something really special but also to help build my skills such as compositions. It is important to take as many photos as you can because the more you shoot the more you learn. The adage practices make perfect is so true with anything but especially when it comes to photography and learning your camera. While these images are not the best that I have my portfolio, they are nevertheless now in my portfolio and I know I learned a few things about slowing down and taking my time with my composition regardless if the very thing that had drawn me to that composition is no longer there in the scene (fog/mist).

Getting a shot that you learn from is just as important as getting a shot that you earn from.


Scottsville, Virginia


RVA Capitol Square