Urbanna, VA Visit

This day in my travels I had a slow start indeed. I was traveling to Urbanna, VA on Sunday the 3rd day of January 2021. I almost got as far as highway 64 this morning before I realized that I left my tripod. This morning was a fairly cold one with a heavy overcasting light rain. Rain with cold air always seems to make it 10 degrees colder than reality. I had to turn back because of the weather conditions. There was no way that I was going to get all the way to Urbanna and not have my favorite tripod. Sure I could have used a higher ISO on the camera to get the images but I like to stay between 100 and 400 ISO and since it is a low light situation I was heading back home. Besides it only took 20 minutes out of my trip.

On my way back to get the tripod, I saw one of the vineyards from the New Kent winery. It looked really cool with a mist cloud moving in and through the vines. I really wanted to get that shot but I had to get the damn tripod to even get that shot. I got home picked up the tripod and headed back out the door in record time I was heading back down the road and off to Urbanna I went, but this time I stopped at the vineyard to try and capture what I saw only 15 minutes ago. I set up my equipment and took a few compositions but honestly, I was too late the misty cloud weaving in and through the vineyards had long been gone and there really wasn’t anything good from my first stop of the day.

I packed up the equipment and off to Urbanna I went and this time I meant business. I seriously doubt it took me very long to get there because I was booking down the road. I wanted to spend a good amount of time riding around and scope out sites in and around the town. I think I road around the town and its outskirts for a good hour and a half. The day was even yuckier here and the harbor really had nothing exciting to offer me at this point. I was increasingly becoming frustrated that I could not find anything to really shot. At some point, I said to hell with it let me just park the car in town and begin to walk around and see what I can find by walking and scouting. I am glad I did too because while these images may not be my top ten best images I am really happy with what I was able to capture on such an ugly day. I truly hope I was able to give the town of Urbanna some justice even on such a bad conditioned day. I sincerely enjoyed the bit of a walkabout and grabbing some shots. I will definitely go back to this town and grab some shots on a beautiful spring day or maybe even a snow day. Either way Urbanna, Virginia will be seeing me again this year for sure.

After packing up everything and getting back on the road I decided to head back to Richmond and get a few shots of the Lee Memorial with the BLM makeover which looks fabulous by the way. I had been there the night before and now that the conditions were pretty much the same I figured I could make up for a few out of focus shots that I got previously. I am so glad that I did too because those shots turned out 100 times better than the ones before them for sure. Unfortunately, the images I got from that shoot will not be on this blog post but it will be coming soon. A friend asked me to get some shots of the memorial in its current state so they can hang the print on the wall. Once he has the print he wants I will share the best images with you all.

Thank you for listening to my travels around the Commonwealth I appreciate every one of you.


RVA Capitol Square


Happy New Year! Why have I changed my brand?